King Concept Next
Cakkavatti king concept
was one of most prevalent concepts among the kings and Brahmins in ancient
India. Some scholars suggest that Brahmanism
originated the Cakkavatti King concept and consisted with war-fare. Buddha
interpreted Cakkavatti king concept differently. The Buddha emphasized the
peacefulness, righteousness of the kingship and non- violence. Buddhist
Cakkavatti king concept based on unarmed,
anointment of the king occur through mental
process and wining by means of the doctrine.
Further, dominion principles abominate (dislike) the crime, bribery,
corruptions and develop the economical and spiritual state of the people.
SihanadaSutta, and MahaSudassanaSutta (DN), PathamaCakkanuvattana ,DutiyaCakkanuvattanaSutta
and DhammarajaSutta (AN, PancakaNipataya, Raja vaggaya), and commentary of the
DigaNikaya imply regarding the CakkavattisihanadaSutta.
Buddhist texts mention
about three kind of Cakkavatti kings,
o Padesacakkavatti
o Dipacakkavatti
o Cakkavalacakkavatti
Buddhist Cakkavatti
King concepts consists with the characteristics such as Democracy, rejection of
totalitarian (dictator), unarmed, free from homicide (killing), free from
torture, free from punishments, virtue, upright, gentleness, self-control,
absence of anger, non-violence, patience, non-obstruction etc.
In 6th century
BC, monarchies, and commonwealths
existed in Ancient India. The Buddha adduces Chakkavati King Concept to advice
the kings and eliminate their harmful traits such as totalitarian, inequality
of properties, corruptions, crimes, murder, slaughter etc.
According to
CakkavattisihanadaSutta state duties of the monarch start with the five precepts. ("Do not take life, Do not take what is not
given, Do not commit sexual misconduct, Do not tell lies, Do not drink strong
drink. Be moderate in eating." )
The foremost ten dominion duties of the monarch mentions in the sutta as
'Thus, from the not giving of property to the needy, poverty became rife,
from the growth of poverty, the taking of what was not given increased,
from the increase of theft, the use of weapons increased,
from the increase use of weapons, the taking of life increased, and
from the taking of life increased, lying increased,
from the growth of poverty, the taking of what was not given increased,
from the increase of theft, the use of weapons increased,
from the increase use of weapons, the taking of life increased, and
from the taking of life increased, lying increased,
the increase in lying,
the speaking evil of others increased,
sexual misconduct increased,
harsh speech and idle chatter increased, and
the speaking evil of others increased,
sexual misconduct increased,
harsh speech and idle chatter increased, and
the increase of harsh speech and idle chatter, covetousness and hatred
increased, and
from the increase in covetousness and hatred, false opinions increased, and
from the increase in false opinions, incest, excessive greed and deviant practices increased, and
from the increase of excessive greed and deviant practices,
lack of respect for mother and father,
for ascetics and Brahmins, and
for head of the clan increased,
from the increase in covetousness and hatred, false opinions increased, and
from the increase in false opinions, incest, excessive greed and deviant practices increased, and
from the increase of excessive greed and deviant practices,
lack of respect for mother and father,
for ascetics and Brahmins, and
for head of the clan increased,
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